Scholarship agreement supports more to study
4 May 2022
Hapū & FNDC sign Terms of Reference
7 June 2022This year, Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi (TRAION) received 275 scholarship applications for higher education, and awarded 80 scholarships totaling $96,500.00 to Ngāpuhi tauira studying in tertiary education around the country.
Babe Kapa, Hapū Development Manager for the Rūnanga, said every year the job of selecting the scholarship recipients becomes more difficult for TRAION’s scholarship committee.
“It’s great to have such strong interest in the scholarships. The calibre is so high; selecting the recipients is not an easy or enviable task for the committee.”
All applications are presented to the committee without identifying details. This “blind” review and selection ensures the process is fair and completely without bias.
“We’re reviewing how we can support even more tauira with their higher education. The new tripartite agreement, Te Marewa o Tautoru, signed with Te Herenga Waka (Victoria University of Wellington) and the Māori Education Trust, will help towards this goal.”
To see the list of 2022 Ngāpuhi education scholarship recipients, click HERE