17 March 2022

Kai & support connectors, COVID-19 isolation checklist

This is a very challenging time for many New Zealanders, with whānau across the motu needing kai and other support while trying to self isolate. This list and map shows the location and names of contracted providers funded by MSD to support self-isolating households who need welfare support as part […]
16 March 2022

Kākahu Update for Ngahuru, the harvest season

Kia ora e te Iwi, from the Kākahu team. Poutū-te-rangi signals the first month of the new season Ngahuru (Autumn); the harvest season. The new colourways are inspired by the changes we begin to see as the leaves change colour and crops start to ripen ready for harvesting. Featuring the […]
11 March 2022

TRAION Trustee awarded 2021 Civic Honour

Janelle Beazley, Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi board member and Trustee of Te Takiwā o Ngāpuhi ki Whangārei has been awarded a 2021 Civic Honour. He wahine kaha ki te mahi mō tana hāpori i ngā wā katoa. He wahine rangatira mārika ia. The honour was awarded on Thursday 10 March 2022, a […]
20 February 2022

Isaiah Apiata Spirit of Service Awards Young Leader 2021

Youth Justice and Ngāpuhi rangatira, Isaiah Apiata, has been named 2021 Young Leader of the Year in Te Hāpai Hāpori Spirit of Service Awards for his contribution to social services, Māori-Crown relations, and the revitalisation of Māori culture. The awards, organised by the Public Service Commission, celebrate outstanding public sector governance, […]
19 November 2021

Vaccination support from Te Whānau o Waipareira

On Monday 15 November Wane Wharerau, Chairman of Te Rūnanga-a-Iwi-o-Ngāpuhi (the Rūnanga) was part of a contingent that welcomed Te Whānau o Waipareira back to Tāmaki after a week in Te Tai Tokerau, where their efforts resulted in vaccinating more than 3,000 people. This statement from Wane acknowledges the efforts […]
27 October 2021

Hikoi to Waitangi – Chair’s statement

Te Rūnanga A-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi stands with all those opposed to the hikoi from Rotorua to Waitangi by people intending to mark the signing of He Whakaputatanga o Te Rangatira o Nu Tireni tomorrow. A hikoi organised by a group opposed to vaccination makes this event particularly dangerous for whānau residing in […]
20 July 2021

Ngāpuhi trailblazer to lead Education, Reo strategies

Leading educationalist Phoebe Davis has been appointed education manager for Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi (TRAION). Phoebe Davis (Ngāti Manu, Kohatutaka, Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatohea) has extensive experience in the education sector, as a teacher, curriculum developer and education manager. She currently serves on the Ministry of Education Approval and Allocation Panel and is […]
22 June 2021

Entertainer Eddie Low’s performance for Ngāpuhi

Eddie Low sings for Ngāpuhi kaumatua and kuia ‘The Voice in a Million’, Eddie Low (Te Arawa waka, Ngāti Whakaue) and his great mate Kevin Greaves, son of the late Rusty Greaves, gave a private performance to the Kaumātua Kuia rōpū of Ngāpuhi and some of the staff from Te […]