25 March 2021

HAPORI – Taiamai Day 2021

#Taiamai Day Thanks Peter de Graaf and NZ Herald for hanging out and checking in on the 2021 Taiamai Day, when Ōhaeawai stopped. He’s a good sort you know. Always there (somewhere.) For those whānau who are from Ōhaeawai and the surrounding district, this word will mean everything, Te Korner. […]
24 March 2021

Ngāpuhi contact centre

Ngāpuhi COVID-19 Welfare Call Centre brings Kaupapa Māori lens to Healthline service Forty newly employed Māori contact centre operators from Te Tai Tokerau Northland are providing a kaupapa Māori focus to Healthline’s COVID-19 information response. Since completing their training, the team has fielded and made hundreds of calls daily; providing […]
12 March 2021

TAIAO – Tsunami evacuation – Ruakākā

Photo credit Te Karere’s FB page Ruakākā residents’ dash for high ground on Friday 5th March 2021. Former Te Karere reporter Irena Smith was in Ruakākā, Northland, when the call came for residents to… Click here for ormer Te Karere reporter Irena Smith’s report
12 March 2021

TAIAO – Planned Kerikeri Jetty

photo credit to Te Karere’s FB page. A Northland community is at odds over plans to restore and develop a $3 million jetty in Kerikeri. Local hapū and council are in favour of the move with the aim of creating better access for the general public. But a local resident […]
26 February 2021

The story behind Kaikohe Berryfruit Limited

Kaikohe Berryfruit Limited is a partnership between Ngāpuhi Asset Holding Company (NAHC), Far North Holdings Limited (FNHL) and Onyx Capital. NAHC is the majority shareholder. NAHC is leading the development of the sustainability focused hitech hydroponics berryfruit operation in the Ngawha Enterprise and Innovation Park, just outside Kaikohe. Partnering with […]
26 February 2021

Twenty-six Ngāpuhi jobseekers to sign employment contracts with new Kaikohe fruit operation

Attending a job information hui at Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi (TRAION) in Kaikohe is about to bear fruit for 26 Ngāpuhi job seekers who will sign employment contracts on Tuesday (2 March) with Kaikohe Berryfruit Limited, a partnership project expected to bring transformational change to Kaikohe. The successful candidates were […]
3 February 2021

KARAHIPI – Get in there whānau, there’s no limit to the number of scholarships you can apply for

Māori Education Trust Scholarships – Now open We’re going to share any scholarship opportunities that we hear about, no te mea: Te manu ka kai i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Te manu ka kai i te mātauranga, nōna te ao. So, follow this link to their website, showing details […]