Winning in sport is GREAT. Winning in life is the GOAL.
24 August 2017Te Kahui Wahine – the back bone of Te Pihopatanga
7 September 2017Tu Kaha comes back a better person and basketball player
Tu Kaha and his team ‘Capital City Basketball’ arrived back in Aotearoa last month after spending three weeks in Las Vegas on a basketball tour. The team entered three major tournaments and made the playoffs in two of them. In one of the tournaments they were upgraded to the next age group which was tough but the boys went to work and earned some respect from the older teams. The exposure and experience has definitely been an eye opener for all of these rangatahi. Meeting Steven Adams, our very own NBA player and boxer Joseph Parker, while were in Las Vegas was a privilege. We were invited to a special VIP training session with Joseph at his gym – he even gave an inspirational speech which helped the team win their next couple of games. We would like to thank Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi for helping Tu Kaha reach this milestone in his basketball journey so far. He has learnt so much and has come back a better person and basketball player. Tu Kaha has been invited back by his coach to play in this same tournament next year.
Nō reira tēnei te mihi nunui ki a koutou mo tō koutou nei awhi.
Mauri ora
Na Te Whānau Cooper me Tu Kaha
[Published in E Mara E Pānui 31 August 2017]