MAHI – Top Ngāpuhi barber – Eisha Teiho
25 March 2021Tiriti commemoration at Māngungu
25 March 2021155 Community Law opening in Kaikohe
Hot off the press whānau, news that should make you smile. 119 Broadway from Wednesday 31 March. Heka, you’re a hard bunch aren’t you.
Aaah, yeah, nah you might say. Why does Kaikohe need a Community Law centre? Well just cause whānau. Honestly, when done right these centres make a big deal into a little deal. Trouble at work, trouble with an employer – who you gonna call? Well normally someone who isn’t free, and isn’t in town. Not Kaikohe, now we’re going to have 155 Community Law.
Ask for Sarah they say… when you call their 0800 number, deets here from their FB page, and here from their website.
155 Whare Āwhina FB page
Food Rescue FB page
Hey, and don’t forget about their contributions to pātaka kai concepts which they’re running out in their own way. They’ve also got an arm called 155 Food Rescue. Want to know how that works, well just give me a minute… They redistribute rescued food among organisations that can share it within their communities. Sounds simple aye whānau, well they are trying to make it simple. If there is excess in one place, give it to those who have need. Sound familiar? Isn’t that what happens at the marae at the end of a hui? Well they’re doing it on a larger scale.
Get in touch if you like the sounds of it. Maybe you can help. Maybe you know someone who needs to be in this loop. Anei, here is their FB page