Introducing our Rūnanga team…
Being passionate about what you do is an integral part of being successful in your mahi and here at the Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi we have a team of amazing kaimahi some of whom have endured the highs and lows of the past 18yrs but have remained a pou to the central operations of the rūnanga throughout. Over the next few months we will introduce you to our kaimahi and shine a spotlight on the work they do and the skills they bring in the pursuit of making a difference for Ngāpuhi.
First up we have all things Taiao with Tania Pene our Iwi Development Leader/Resource Management. Tania leads many projects being the conduit between Ngāpuhi Iwi and many local and regional organisations particularly in the area of Natural Resource Management. Hailing from the Hokianga ki te Raki Takiwā, Tania is born and bred Ngāpuhi. With a Bachelor of Planning Degree she completed her Post Graduate Studies in Business, Maori Development. If you follow our FB page you’ll probably notice that Tania’s been active in there recently as we’ve had some great Taiao stories popping up. Taiao Thursday, mark the day if you’re a follower. That’s when our main Taiao story for the week will hit our FB page.
Otherwise, the quickest way to share those stories is to include them here, so spend a bit of time getting to know which Taiao kaupapa are top priority to us at the moment.

We love the ngahere, and so do Pekapeka-tou-poto (tiny Bats)15g whānau that’s only three teaspoons, that’s less than a can of coke. A ‘Contractors Workshop for Puketi Omahuta Forest’ was held earlier this month so get in touch if you’re passionate about pest control. Tania and some others are working on a collab to provide jobs in the ngahere – all designed to protect these little fullas.
This time of year also marks the season for harvesting. Featured on our fb page is an interesting read from Reubin Taipari Equinox post. Check out what he has to say about Ngahuru and the natural order of how our tūpuna lived versus the gregorian calender.
KAURI DIEBACK – Tane Mahuta Needs your help!
Omahuta Puketi Kauri Forests need our help …
Our ancient Kauri forests are under threat, and we need your help.
There are small actions you can take to reduce the threat, and stop the spread of Kauri Dieback.
When visiting the forest, always wash shoes and gear completely of soil before leaving home. Use cleaning stations before you enter, and leave the forest. Always keep to boardwalks and tracks. Keep an eye out for our friendly Kauri protection rangers who will be out and about during the summer period.
Check out the cool vid below of how you can stop the spread so that our mighty Kauri can be enjoyed for many more generations to come.
Anei te link to our FB page post and another one, here, to a cool YouTube video.
Our first taitamariki Te Noho Taiao o Ngāpuhi is being run at Moria Marae, Whirinaki from 29th March to 1st April. Just another day in the office immersed in the kaupapa to bring 50 taitamariki together to share the matauranga Māori of Taiao. An environmental wananga introducing elements of pūtaiao encompassed with reo Maori we hope to nuture what is natural to our taitamariki in their role as kaitiakitanga. Registrations are full for this wā nanga but not to worry this is the first of many. Keep an eye out for dates of our next Te Noho Taiao o Ngāpuhi coming soon.