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26 May 2021
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22 June 2021Ngāpuhi opposes Significant Natural Areas proposal in Far North District Council district plan
Te Rūnanga A-Iwi-O Ngāpuhi (TRAION) opposes the Far North District Council’s proposed Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) in the district plan.
The SNAs have the potential to severely impact Māori landowners’ rights to develop their land and resources as guaranteed to them under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
This proves to be hugely problematic in Tai Tokerau and the Far North district where at least 48 per cent of whenua Māori will be classed as a SNA.
TRAION has made its submission on behalf of the beneficiaries and takiwā of Ngāpuhi.
“It’s important to distinguish that Ngāpuhi do not in any way oppose the preservation of indigenous species,” said TRAION chair, Wane Wharerau.
“Our opposition to the district plan proposal is at a relationship level; it is the lack of initial communication by the council and the undermining of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We are frequently invited to participate in strategic relationships by the Crown and councils on initiatives affecting Māori or needing tribal input, but this is sadly one of many examples where we haven’t even been asked to sit at the table in the early consultancy phase.”
The TRAION Group is a collective of four organisations that represent the interests and aspirations of more than 125,000 people who identify as Ngāpuhi iwi members. As a collective, TRAION provides a range of support, advisory services and events to help progress our iwi, hapū, marae and whānau towards a vision where the sacred house of Ngāpuhi stands strong.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://ngapuhi.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/TRAION-SNA-Submission.pdf” title=”TRAION SNA Submission”]