Ngāpuhi whānau compete at Māori Basketball Nationals
22 March 2017Ngāpuhi ki Rarotonga U15 netball team win their division
29 March 2017Using technology to preserve cultural knowledge and stories
Tēnā koutou e te Rūnanga,
In 2015 I was successful in obtaining a scholarship in support of my academic studies. I would like to send my thanks to Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi for the study support provided to complete my Master in Technology as a software developer. Whilst I was notified early last year, the results were finalised at a recent graduation. Since then I have moved on to PhD studies, majoring in virtual reality and the construction of indigenous digital artefact mapping and preserving cultural knowledge and stories. I hope this knowledge and expertise will be used by the iwi one-day to preserve our future heritage.
Once again thank you for the ongoing support.
Kevin Shedlock
[Published in E Mara E Pānui 23 March 2017]