Ngāpuhi Scholarship Recipient graduates with First Class Honours
21 December 2017Ngāpuhi academic teaches engineering in China
12 April 2018Dispute Resolution Law a highlight for Ngāpuhi Scholarship Student
Thank you so much for the Ngāpuhi Education Scholarship I received for 2017. It was a great help to me. My third year of studying law and social sciences was definitely a step up from the two previous years, and I continued to learn a lot through the five law papers and one history paper that I took. One of the highlights of the year was the dispute resolution law paper as it had a more practical focus. Initially I was not looking forward to this paper because of the public speaking aspect, but I found that I actually enjoyed the three oratory assignments that consisted of interviewing clients, negotiation and advocacy. This year I am working on fourth year law and more social science papers.
Ngā mihi anō, Simone Dowling
[Published in E Mara E Pānui 22 February 2018]