2018 Ngāpuhi Scholarship recipient committed to best health outcomes for Māori
10 May 2018Thesis to be presented at Indigenous Health Conference
24 May 2018Scholarship gives extra kaha to continue
“Tēnā tātou te iwi o Ngāpuhi. Please accept this thank you as a token of appreciation from my whānau and I for the generous scholarship awarded towards my education. Being a student residing overseas, I am faced with the responsibility of making a minimum contribution towards my student loan and this pūtea has helped me do that. It is organisations such as the Rūnanga offering these opportunities that lighten the load and give our people the extra kaha to continue through the hurdles towards making the future better for Māori.”
Ngā mihi maioha, Emma Carter (Bachelor of Arts)
[Published in E Mara E Pānui 17 May 2018]